Learn Chinese with Pop songs — 女孩与四重奏 (Girl and A String Quartet)

Hello Internet friends! Today I would like to teach you some Chinese and introduce you to a personal all-time favorite Chinese pop song named 女孩与四重奏 (nǚ  hái  yǔ  sì  chóng  zòu ), which literally means A Girl and A String Quartet. It is a fairly old song and I’ve known it since I was still a moody rebellious teenager.

The song is only accompanied by a string quartet and I absolutely love this type of music. I am a violinist so you could imagine my excitement when I found this pop song! This will be my first time writing blog posts teaching people Chinese like this so if you have any feedback, please leave a comment below 🙂 Continue reading “Learn Chinese with Pop songs — 女孩与四重奏 (Girl and A String Quartet)”

Welcome to my blogs, Internet friends!

Hey there. Thanks for stopping by! This is my first ever blog post in the whole websphere universe and I am super excited that I stared blogging. It has always been on my mind for a couple years to start a blog but I had just been procrastinating. And finally I got a break from work and I was sitting at home in front of my laptop and I said to myself, “you know what? I’m gonna start a blog!”

I am planning to use this blog as both a personal blog and professional blog. If you want to find out more about me and what I do, please click on my about me page on top, or follow the same link here. And please expect this blog to contain topics on programming, being a foreigner in the US, being a gay software engineer or gay programmer in the US, being Chinese in the US, various tips in areas that I might have more experience in than the average joe. And if you want me to talk about anything in particular, please just leave a comment below.

Thanks for reading!