About me

Hey there. Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Charles Zhang. I am a software engineer, a husband, a member of the lgbtq community, Chinese, an amateur violinist, introverted, creative…

In 2011 when I was 21 years old, I came to the US to pursue a Master’s degree in Computer Science at Brown University, and I have stayed in the US ever since. I worked as a software engineer for 8 years in the Boston area, and now I reside in Seattle doing the same thing.

I started playing the violin when I was in junior high back in my hometown in China, but it didn’t last very long as I lived in school during semesters and I could only practice during the summer or winter vacations. And I was not a good at practicing then. Fast forward to 2013 when I graduated from grad school, I suddenly had all this free time at my hand, and I needed a creative outlet, and I actually started taking guitar lessons, but that didn’t last very long, either, because there isn’t a very nice guitar music repertoire available to me, and I sucked at song writing… It just so happened that one of my best friends was taking violin lessons and one day when I was hanging out at her place, I picked up her violin and I simply could not put it down. So the next day I purchased a $500 violin and found a teacher online, who turned out to be an amazing teacher from the New England Conservatory (NEC), and I’ve been taking weekly lessons from her until I moved to Seattle 8 years later. I was luck enough to quickly find an amazing local teacher and I’m happy to say that I am still keeping up with my (almost) daily practice after 10 years!